Information for shareholders and investors of IRISO, including IR information, financial results, and stock-related information and materials.
We will explain IRISO' management policy, including its corporate philosophy, medium-term management plan, and business risks.
Thank you very much for your interest in IRISO. We would like to introduce IRISO in an easy-to-understand manner so that you can become more familiar with the company.
We post new information about IR.
This page summarizes various materials related to IR.
Financial data (sales, operating income, etc.) are presented using graphs.
The number of shares issued by IRISO, shareholder composition, etc.
IR Information disclosure calender
This page contains answers to questions frequently asked by investors. Please check this page first, and if you do not find the answer to your question, please contact us using the Inquiry Form.
This section summarizes the contents of corporate governance, including the basic concept, structure, and internal control system and the status of its development.
We will continuously disclose fair and reliable information to our shareholders, investors, and securities analysts (hereinafter referred to as “stakeholders”) at all times. To that end, we aim to handle information equally and fairly in a timely and appropriate manner, and to obtain a proper evaluation.
The IR information posted on this website is intended to provide financial information, management indicators, etc. of IRISO (hereinafter referred to as the Company), but is not intended to solicit investment.
When making an actual investment, please refrain from making investment decisions based solely on the information on this website, and make investment decisions based on your own judgment.