In FY 2005, the city of Yokohama established a program to certify large-scale businesses that carry out outstanding waste separation and recycling activities as Three Star businesses.
Iriso received this certification in FY 2009. Our efforts for thorough separation of wastes were highly received by Yokohama city, which includes labeling on waste separation bins that describes precautions for disposal, as well as the confirmation of waste separation led by the in-house Environmental Promotion Committee.
We will continue to make companywide concerted efforts to separate and reduce wastes.
Employees at the head office and Ibaraki Plant deliver calendars to people who live in nursing care facilities within the community as an incentive to further interaction with nursing home residents.
With a strong recognition that we are a member of the global society, we provide disaster relief donations to victims of disasters that occur in all parts of the world. Those donations are coordinated through the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Japan Committee for UNICEF.
We aim to become a corporation supported by the community through the implementation of cleaning operations around our head office and supporting local events such as the Shinyokohama Performance festival.
We began family tours with the goal of giving members of employees’ families a deeper understanding of our company.
We provide easy-to-understand explanations specifically for small children in a way to promote interest in the company, so that they can learn what sort of place their fathers and mothers work and what sort of work they do.
The company’s president himself even dresses up as Santa Clause and hands out Christmas presents in an effort to stimulate interaction. Children who took part in the event sent in comments such as “I was very happy to see where my father and mother worked.”