Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.




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We do not always guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, certainty, safety, Other of the content posted on this website, and the content posted on this website may be changed or deleted without prior notice. There are cases. In addition, we do not always guarantee the functionality and safety of this website (no interruption of function or error, etc.), and we may suspend or discontinue the operation of this website without prior notice. Regardless of the reason, we are not responsible for any damages caused by errors, changes or deletions in the posted content, the occurrence of problems on this website, or the suspension or discontinuation of the operation of this website. .

About product description on this website

The contents of various data (product drawings, specifications, packing specifications, catalogs, etc.) on this website are for reference only. Subject to change (specification change, production discontinuation, etc.) without notice. In addition, it may not be written correctly due to system errors or typographical errors.
When considering adopting or placing an order for the listed products, please contact our sales representative in advance and exchange "delivery specifications". In addition, please ensure the safety of the equipment by installing protective circuits and redundant circuits, etc., and fully confirm the compatibility of our products. Even in the unlikely event that you have adopted or ordered a product on this website without making an inquiry to our sales contact, exchanging delivery specifications, or conducting Other confirmations, etc., we will not be able to process your order. We are not responsible for cancellations, returns, refunds, etc.


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