IRISO 's wire-to-board (WtoB) connectors use 0.5mm terminals instead of the conventional harness terminals 0.64mm terminals, reducing the board volume by approximately 55% compared to our conventional products, achieving compactness and weight reduction for the mobility market where electrification is progressing. In addition, they are highly heat-resistant and robust, making them safe to use in the internal connections of powertrain devices in construction and agricultural machinery, which are used in harsh environments, and in factory automation devices.
We will explain how to read the packaging model number and product model number of IRISO products. Please use this when you want to check the specifications from the model number.
This is the download page for the IRISO product guide. It provides an easy-to-understand introduction to IRISO' connector Technical Info and functions.
We will introduce the features and specifications of our products, focusing on size, etc., so that you can select the most suitable connector from our extensive lineup.
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