Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.


List of compatible transmission rates for the 10109 series APPLICABLE DATA RATE

List of supported transmission speeds for the 10109 series

Board to Board Connectors have different transmission speeds depending on Mating Height even in the same series.
If it is a normal series product, the "tendency" of being unsuitable for high-speed transmission is the same within the series, so the representative values are shown on the page where the series is listed, and individual combinations are required to be confirmed separately. I'm here.
Among them, this series is a special product that has variations not only Mating Height but also in the selection of mounting height on each board by preparing several products with different basic terminal structures within the series. series. Therefore, even within the same series, there are combinations with different transmission speed tendencies that can be supported.

Below is a summary of each part and its board mounting items, as well as the corresponding transmission speed (according to our definition) and Mating Height when combined.
In combination with the same Mating Height, those with higher compatible transmission speeds are shaded in light blue.
If there are no restrictions on the mounting height on individual substrates, there are products with the required number of poles, and you are considering high-speed transmission applications, we recommend that you select one of them.

High-speed transmission quick reference

10 mm or less

Supported data rate
Applicable Data Rate
Stack Height plug Socket
5.6Gbps 8.50mm 10109B-L,M 10109S-J,K
5.3Gbps 6.50mm 10109B-C,D 10109S-J,K
3.9Gbps 10.00mm 10109B-L,M 10109S-A,B
2.8Gbps 8.50mm 10109B-C,D 10109S-A,B
2.5Gbps 9.50mm 10109B-C,D 10109S-C,D


Supported data rate
Applicable Data Rate
Stack Height plug Socket
5.7Gbps 12.50mm 10109B-G,H 10109S-J,K
4.6Gbps 12.00mm 10109B-J,K 10109S-A,B
4.0Gbps 14.00mm 10109B-G,H 10109S-A,B
3.5Gbps 15.00mm 10109B-G,H 10109S-C,D
3.1Gbps 13.00mm 10109B-J,K 10109S-C,D
2.9Gbps 11.00 mm 10109B-L,M 10109S-C,D
1.9Gbps 14.50mm 10109B-C,D 10109S-G,H


Supported data rate
Applicable Data Rate
Stack Height plug Socket
5.1Gbps 16.50mm 10109B-A,B 10109S-J,K
4.3Gbps 18.50mm 10109B-R,S 10109S-J,K
3.7Gbps 18.00 mm 10109B-A,B 10109S-A,B
3.5Gbps 20.00mm 10109B-R,S 10109S-A,B
3.2Gbps 19.00mm 10109B-A,B 10109S-C,D
1.9Gbps 18.00 mm 10109B-J,K 10109S-G,H
1.9Gbps 20.00mm 10109B-G,H 10109S-G,H
1.8Gbps 16.00mm 10109B-L,M 10109S-G,H
1.1Gbps 16.55mm 10109B-C,D 10109S-L,M

21 mm or more

Supported data rate
Applicable Data Rate
Stack Height plug Socket
3.18Gbps 22.50mm 10109B-E,F 10109S-A,B
2.9Gbps 21.00 mm 10109B-R,S 10109S-C,D
2.7Gbps 23.50mm 10109B-E,F 10109S-C,D
2.1Gbps 21.00 mm 10109B-E,F 10109S-J,K
1.9Gbps 24.00mm 10109B-A,B 10109S-G,H
1.7Gbps 28.50mm 10109B-E,F 10109S-G,H
1.5Gbps 28.05mm 10109B-R,S 10109S-L,M
1.4Gbps 26.06mm 10109B-A,B 10109S-L,M